24 X 24 in. 2023
• Gagnante d’une parution dans le 67th Contest on Artavita. pour l’oeuvre Liberté (appear in the World Wide Art Magazine Issue #16, page 12) octobre 2024, https://wwab.us/wwa-magazine-15/
• Gagnante d’une parution dans le 67th Contest on Artavita. pour l’oeuvre Liberté (appear in the World Wide Art Magazine Issue #16, page 12) octobre 2024, https://wwab.us/wwa-magazine-15/
24 X 24 in. 2023
• Gagnante d’une parution dans le 67th Contest on Artavita. pour l’oeuvre Liberté (appear in the World Wide Art Magazine Issue #16, page 12) octobre 2024, https://wwab.us/wwa-magazine-15/
• Gagnante d’une parution dans le 67th Contest on Artavita. pour l’oeuvre Liberté (appear in the World Wide Art Magazine Issue #16, page 12) octobre 2024, https://wwab.us/wwa-magazine-15/

L'eau : notre grande richesse (cascades à Ham-Nord)Acrylic
40 X 30 in. 2017
Fusion Art, 5th Waterscapes Artists Exhibition , Mention d'honneur et 2e grand prix en réalité figurative au Gala international du CAPSQ à Montréal, 2017
Mention honorableFusion Art 5th Waterscapes Artists Exhibition, Honnor mention and 2nd Grand Prize in figurative painting, Gala international du CAPSQ, Montreal, 2017
Mention honorable
40 X 30 in. 2017
Fusion Art, 5th Waterscapes Artists Exhibition , Mention d'honneur et 2e grand prix en réalité figurative au Gala international du CAPSQ à Montréal, 2017
Mention honorableFusion Art 5th Waterscapes Artists Exhibition, Honnor mention and 2nd Grand Prize in figurative painting, Gala international du CAPSQ, Montreal, 2017
Mention honorable
Here are my most recent works. Works done few years ago had a complexity of composition, with themes promoting the protection of nature, whereas these recent works concentrate on the atmosphere and the beauty of all that surrounds me. This simple return to the source, to the essentials in life. is what now provides inspiration for my work.
My paintings reflect a natural setting. Animals and plants have always been extremely important to me. They are “feminine” elements, often at the mercy of excessive exploitation and industrialization.
Please note that works marked with a red dot are not available anymore.
If you are interested by a work that is still available, I invite you to contact me by clicking on the « contact » tab.